What to do if my child has the flu?

The common cold is a viral infection that manifests itself with cough, nasal congestion, tearing, runny nose, difficulty sleeping, decreased appetite, irritability...

By: Dr Christian Rodriguez Cerroblanco. Pediatrician


The common cold is a viral infection that manifests itself with cough, nasal congestion, tearing, runny nose, difficulty sleeping, decreased appetite, irritability…

They are very frequent during the first years of life, it is very important that your baby receives medical attention if he presents the following symptoms:

-If you have difficulty breathing or pain in one side.

-If you have a fever above 38.5ºC for more than 3 days.

-If you manifest ear pain and/or refer severe headache.

-If the cough is so persistent that it prevents you from eating food and/or liquids on a regular basis for a prolonged period. It is important that before the first symptoms of your little one you go to the Pediatrician for a timely diagnosis and treatment.

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