They are essential macronutrients for the body. They are the source of energy and the foods that contain them are rich in fiber, which is necessary for the intestine to function properly. Although carbohydrates are the enemies of slimming diets, they are very necessary for the body.ProteinsIf you know what the nutrition classification is, you will surely have heard it before. This nutrient is part of the structure of all cells, that is, it is part of the raw material of our body. They help to repair tissues and fight against some infections. When its consumption exceeds the needs of the body, it turns out to be a source of energy.VitaminsThey are micronutrients that the body needs to be able to assimilate other nutrients. It participates in the chemical formation of the nervous system, red blood cells, hormones and genetic material. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the body and the metabolic system.FatsIn addition to providing energy and being necessary to stay in good condition, they fulfill a structural role. It is the means of transport for other substances and increases palatability. It is important to emphasize that there are good and bad fats.MineralsThey are the ones that give structure to the bones, teeth and nails. Just as vitamins help enzymes in some processes of the body. These are inorganic substances that come from the soil, water or rocks. Among some of them we mention phosphorus, calcium, zinc and magnesium.

Family Thursday
Celebrate the family union in Viñedo Dos Búhos with our Family Thursdays! Enjoy an afternoon full of fun, delicious food and special moments with your