What is anxiety?
Clinical Psychologist Veronica Luna Santamaría. What is anxiety? Anxiety is
Clinical Psychologist Veronica Luna Santamaría. What is anxiety? Anxiety is
Bullying is a type of violence that is characterized as an emotional attack by a group of young people on another person (the victim), who is weaker or unprotected. Unfortunately, it is an increasingly common occurrence in schools, with increasing levels of violence and cruelty.
the most frequent. It occurs with insults, shouting and offensive nicknames towards the victim. Its objective is to attack and show that the victim is different from the rest, thus affecting their self-esteem.
If the child shows mood or behavioral changes, it is important to try to talk to them to determine the reason.
How can we identify if we are addicted to social networks?
Life coaching is a process that will help you to identify and achieve goals in life.
Impulsive reactions that may have an aggressive undertone, whether verbal, bad answers or insults, with siblings or other children: hitting, kicking, pushing, scratching, etc.
Most of us know that March 8 marks International Women’s Day all over the world. But…if you think this is a day to celebrate or congratulate, let me tell you, no, this is a day to commemorate.
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