By: Dr. Christian Rodríguez Cerroblanco. Pediatrician
Child development is a term that identifies how children increase their abilities to do more difficult things. Children develop more during the first 5 years than any other stage of development. As they grow, children will learn and master skills such as talking, jumping, and tying shoes.
They will also learn how to manage their emotions and form friendships and connections with others. Children develop skills in 4 main areas, know them.
1. Cognitive Development: It is the child’s ability to learn, memorize, reason and solve problems.
2. Socio-emotional development: It is the child’s ability to form relationships. This includes helping themselves and managing their emotions.
3. Speech and Language Development: It is the child’s ability to understand and use language. It also includes the use of body language and gestures to communicate.
4. Physical Development: Development of fine motor skills, this is the child’s ability to use the smaller muscles, specifically their hands and fingers.