It is common for children to present
difficulties in the school context, these can be learning problems and
behavioral problems, it is important to provide our children with the
specialized attention they require, before the problem considerably affects the
comprehensive development of minors , such as “acquisition of adapted
behavioral repertoires, adequate socialization and skills and academic content
in a given subject, with the consequent negative consequences for the subject
himself, family, school, peers, and ultimately, the immediate environment and
distal in which it develops. (Rosemary, 2009)
Specifically with regard to behavioral problems,
they can have an emotional origin, which is why it is important to be aware of
any changes in children. It should be considered that they still do not have
the ability to express and properly manage their emotions, they are not capable
of finding the solution by themselves to the situation or situations that are
causing their emotional situation.The mental health of children is an issue
that is sometimes not considered a priority in the family, however, we cannot
lose sight of the fact that our children are in physical and psychological
development, this has an impact on the contexts in which it develops, reaching
repercussions in their adult life, so primary caregivers must be mindful of
meeting all the needs of the children in their care.