Dangerous foods for children

Children under the age of five are at greatest risk of choking or choking on food if they don't chew it well.

By: Dr Christian Rodriguez Cerroblanco. Pediatrician


Children under the age of five are at greatest risk of choking or choking on food if they don’t chew it well. That is, suffocation occurs when food is trapped in the throat and airways of children.

Avoid giving him hard-to-chew foods, offer him something that will fall apart right away.


1 Sausages: They are the most dangerous food. Its cylindrical shape and its great deformability favor this food being impacted under the pharynx.


2 Candies and hard sweets: These are the foods that produce the most choking and suffocation cases in children over 4 years of age.


3 Grapes: It is a very healthy fruit, but it also implies some danger when children eat them in a round shape and their size.


4 Meat: The recommendation is to cut the fillets into reasonably small pieces so that the child can easily chew it.


5 Peanuts: They imply risk of aspiration. Other foods such as chickpeas, lentils and peas are much less dangerous, and therefore more advisable.

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