By: Fabian Villalobos. Pediatrician
To prevent anemia, girls and boys should eat foods of animal origin rich in iron and take the iron supplements they receive during their medical check-ups.
Anemia is a disease caused by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, which is mainly caused by a lack of iron or poor absorption of this component. This disorder endangers the child’s performance and health.
A study published in the Peruvian Journal of Experimental Medicine and Public Health, on the strategy used by mothers in a marginal urban area of Lima to feed their young children, identified that they use some negative strategies that worsen said situation. Achieving a balanced, healthy and nutrient-rich diet is an essential basis for the good growth and development of girls and boys. If your child has anemia, these are some recommendations you should follow to combat it:
1) You must have a treatment with iron supplement
2) Take him to his medical check-ups
3) You should consume foods of animal origin rich in iron
4) Avoid consuming foods that hinder the absorption of iron
5) Establish a routine and schedule for your feeding