Before using either of the two terms we should consider that menopause refers to a specific event, the disappearance of menstruation, and the climate to the gradual changes in ovarian function that begin many years before menopause itself and continue after for a while.
In the premenopausal period, hormonal changes will occur associated with symptoms that deteriorate the quality of life, and metabolic imbalances that increase the risk of chronic diseases.
Therefore, the word climate is more appropriate to refer to the symptoms and chronic diseases associated with the gradual decrease in natural ovarian function, and we must leave the term menopause only to name the event of cessation of menstruation that will occur later as a result of the almost total decline of ovarian activity.
This differentiation has clinical importance; because it implies that during the premenopausal period, the impact that estrogenic declination has on the state of health of the woman must be evaluated and if it is relevant, we must indicate or prescribe changes in lifestyle, hormone therapy, hypolipidemic drugs, among others.
Therefore, it is not appropriate to wait for the menstrual bleeding to cease to start with some clinical intervention that improves the quality of life. The deterioration of women’s health begins many years before menopause and the prevention of its consequences is a necessity for doctors.

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